A Letter to my future self!


Your 20’s have come and gone. Life isn’t anything you had imaged or dreamed, even though you are a dreamer and dream often you had no idea. Some days you feel as though you’re living a dream, other days you ask why me and what if this or that. Love the journey through life, you only get one.

Remember the countless adventures full of memories with friends and family, remember the long awaited move to Texas, remember the countless long road trips home to Iowa, remember running a half marathon in 24 states, and remember the warm hugs from your mom and dad every time you go home. Remember the good things and smile. Some things in your life are not what you had planned. You are still single as a pringle, going on dates are few and far between, fears you never thought would be holding you back are, financially you are not where you had hoped, and well….you are 30 and still look 22.

Always keep smiling, finding adventure. Always be intentional with friendships. I am proud of you. You have a desire to learn and grow in your faith, fitness, and career, you are not afraid to try new things, you have a passion for helping others, you are an encourager and a light in the world. Remember, people and relationships should come before some to-do lists.

Well now that you are thirty and thriving (this is what I like to call it, live like it) there are a few things I want to tell you.

Love well.  Love the Lord first, your relationship with the Lord will hold you together. The hope, peace, joy, and love from the Lord is unexplainable. Dig deep into his Word, your desire to get to know him will grow. Be filled with the Lord’s love so you can pour out love to others.

Love your family. Your family is special and each one is a blessing. Find ways to send them love, even when you are miles apart. It is the small things in life that make them smile. Don’t take them for granted and thank them often.

Love your friends. Be available, be intentional, be ready to listen, encourage and support them in life. Surround yourself with friends who challenge you, inspire you, encourage you, and who are truthful with you even if the truth may hurt. Remember we are all humans, you will get hurt and you will hurt others. But always choose love.

Love your church.  Be known in the church and serve with your gifts. Surround yourself with community who encourage you to grow in your faith and also who point out places of sin. Give time, give financially, and give with your heart to your church. When in church, be in church and be present. Pray for the leadership and growth of the church. Pray for your desire to be in church is not for looks or a Sunday ritual, but for spiritual growth.  

Love your future husband. Stay on guard, guard your heart, and stay true to who you are and who the Lord made you to be. Do not compromise your standards for a man. Love your future husband well by staying pure, preparing for marriage, and using your time well now. Even though you don’t know what your future holds and your heart is torn between the desire to have a future husband and to be single as a pringle. Prepare for your future husband.

Be financially fit. Days you want to have that new pair of workout tights or travel until you are broke, think twice. Debt and unwise spending habits carry into a relationship and can cause sleepless nights. Save but give, travel but be frugal and smart financially. Remember your earthly possessions are just possessions, they can be stolen or ruined. Your worth is not dependent on the brand of your clothing or the latest travel adventures.

Don’t make excuses. We all have the same 24 hours in a day. You have created your life and the daily habits and routines. If you don’t like something, change it. Figure out what works for you and what doesn’t work for you. There will be days you want to give up and say why me, why can’t I do that or have that. Life is what you make it.  Smile, do the mundane daily tasks with a happy heart, don’t complain or make excuses.

Don’t waste time.  Don’t waste time because you’re single, be intentional with your singleness and use it well. Prepare for the day you are married and have children (if it is the Lord’s plan). Practice hospitality and homemaking, manage your time well, strive to live a life full of wellness and create healthy habits that last, and love friends and family well. Use this time to spend hanging out with Jesus and spreading His love. Find adventures in daily life and the small mundane tasks. Life can get exhausting, boring, and hard but adventures bring a smile to your face.

Travel and explore. Travel and make memories, but be wise with your money and time. Traveling can open your eyes to other cultures, ways of living, and other ideas. But remember, traveling and adventures don’t define you.  You have a wanderlust spirit and a love for adventure. Go on random spur of the moment trips with friends. Explore your own city. 

So, friend, now that you are thirty and thriving run the course the Lord has set out for you. Run well, with a smile and spreading love wherever you go.


Your Future Self


Living in the Shadows