
Choose your Money Adventure with one of my Coaching Packages below…


If financial freedom is your goal, but budgeting is your pain point and not sure how to start. Let’s start at the beginning, one-step-at-a-time and money map together.

Program Details:

  • In these two, one-hour sessions we will have a one-hour financial intake session, then an hour financial plan review. This will train you and prepare you for your solo journey, but with the right backpack of resources to ensure success.

Experience Benefits:

  • Clarity on how-to, with overview, analysis and action plan

  • 20+ page financial plan unique to you

  • Tools to develop your own road map each time you set out on a new adventure

  • Financial honing skills assessment and mindset review

  • Financial freedom goals and action plan

  • Beginner adventure dreaming and money mapping


Aspiring Traveler


You’re eager to get out there and feel the wind in your hair,  but want a partner in crime to show you which way to go without missing your markers. I’ll be your adventure gal pal and get you out on that adventure in no time!

Program Details:

  • This 3 month adventure will offer 1-to-1 coaching weekly the first month, 2 times the second month and a finale check-in for your financial adventure map check!

Experience Benefits:

  • Crystal clear adventure mapping 

  • 20+ page financial plan unique to you

  • Clarity on financial health and awareness

  • Access to an online spend tracking portal

  • Future dreams with goal setting 

  • Debt and repayment plans

  • Financial reprioritization 

  • Net worth development


The continual compass to your adventure activation and financial abundance. Through regular activation and accountability, you won’t be traveling alone on what used to feel like a cumbersome road-blocked adventure.

Program Details:

  • $125/month personal coaching program

Experience Benefits:

  • A 1-hour goal setting meeting

  • A second meeting to review your financial plan

  • Quarterly check-ins for accountability, update budget, and review goals

  • Ongoing access to your trainer as questions/challenges arise

  • Resources and helpful tips

  • Access an online spend tracking portal

  • 20+ page financial plan unique to you, updated quarterly

  • EXTRA: Travel dreaming, budgeting, and booking!!

    *All plans are recurring monthly subscriptions that you can cancel any time after 3 months with 30-day notice.

Your adventure is waiting girlfriend.. let’s get started!


Let the dreaming, planning and adventure begin today! We are going to wash away those rooted money beliefs and get you on a steady road to financial freedom and adventure living - one beautiful excursion at a time.


Before we dive in, let’s have a heart to heart about our beliefs about money!

  • Money may not grow on trees, but it is made from them.

  • Money can work for you for a lifetime, rather than you working for a lifetime for your money.

  • The work hard, play hard mentality has shifted to work harder, save, then retire and live “the good life”...

  • Why not start living the good life right now, while saving, so you can continue to live the good life later?

  • See how our heads can get in the way of our hearts desires to explore? I hope you adopt these thought patterns and already feel more free!


“The biggest adventure you can take, is to live the life of your dreams!”

Ultimately, that’s my amazing job - to help you do just that! And to give you the safety kit for your travel bag, with a confident road map that won’t lead you astray.
