Three steps to take NOW to be Financially Fabulous in 2022!

What are the 3 Steps to take NOW to be Financially Fabulous in 2022?

  1. Find your 2022 money map trailhead 

  2. Define your money map vision for 2022

  3. Plan your mini money adventures of 2022

Step 1: Find your 2022 money map trailhead (trailhead is the starting point of a hiking trail).

We all need a starting point, we need to know what are financial position is OR we won’t know how to get to where we want to go. Think of it is as planning your DREAM travel adventure! You can’t buy your plane ticket to your dream trip without knowing your starting point. 

In the money mapping world, this is called your net worth! REMINDER, your net worth doesn’t determine your worth. Your net worth is what you OWN less what you OWE. Have no idea what your net worth is, or maybe you don’t want to know what your net worth is? We all start somewhere and we all have a starting point. 

After I moved to Dallas from Iowa in 2015 my net worth was negative. Credit card debt was creeping up, traveling opportunities were all over, I wanted to go out to eat with my new friends, and I didn’t want to feel restricted by a “budget”. Until I couldn’t take it anymore, I would lay awake at night telling myself it is fine, I can pay my credit card off when I get paid Friday. Friday rolled around AND the credit card debt was somehow more and my paycheck didn’t cover it. I had had enough, I got a money coach. The first thing we did was have a “get financially naked” call. I had to get real with where I was financially so we could know what I needed to do to get on the right money mapping adventure for me! AND I didn’t stop traveling, I didn’t stop eating out with friends, and I didn’t stop living life. I realigned my priorities, got real on where I was, and used my money as a vehicle to my money visions. Change your mindset on feeling restricted by a budget, but think of your money as the tool to get you on your greatest adventures!

Step 2: Define your money map vision for 2022! 

“A clear vision, backed by definite plans, gives you a tremendous feeling of confidence and personal power” – Brian Tracy. Don’t we all want confidence and personal power, I call this financially fabulous in 2022. 

What do you envision your 2022 to look like…stop now, grab your phone, open your notes, create a note, title it “2022 Money Vision”, dream, and write your money mapping vision down. 

Maybe that is to have a fully funded adventure fund, maybe that is to be debt free before you are married  or maybe that is to reach $100,000 in investments, maybe that is to increase your income by $20,000, maybe that is to stop living paycheck to paycheck. The options are endless. 

One of my money visions in 2019 was to be debt free before I got married. To be honest, I don’t know why that was important to me. However, I do know the finances can be major pain points in many marriages, so I wanted to prepare for marriage the best I could BEFORE I was married (I hadn’t even met my future husband at that point). June 2020 I was completely debt free. By my goal I wrote, “I am debt free, I can get married now”. September of that same year I met my now fiancé. I laugh about it now, but going into a dating relationship I didn’t have money stress, or worried about finances, I was able to travel to see my boyfriend because I had a travel budget and wasn’t strapped with debt (we were long distance for a year). That isn’t a money goal everyone will have, but I do love how the timing worked out with that one! My fiancé and I talked about money from the beginning of our relationship, MAYBE because I am a financial coach and accountant, but it isn’t hard for us to talk about money now because we both prepared before meeting each other and we were open about it from the beginning. 

What is YOUR 2022 money vision? Not anyone else’s, but yours! 

Step 3: Plan your mini money adventures of 2022! 

Now you have your money map trailhead, your 2022 money vision, and now you need to plan your mini money adventures of 2022!

You might have these fabulous 2022 money vision, but if you don’t plan HOW you are going to get to your money visions you might not make it to your visions. 

After you have defined your visions now you get raw and real. How am I going to reach these goals? If your goal is to increase your income by $20,000 will you start a side business, change jobs, ask for a raise, or work another job? What is realistic, do you have the time and energy to do so? 

I have a financial coach (coaches need coaches), we have calls to set specific tasks and things I need to be doing to work my money plan. One of my favorite things is having someone else who I can go over my money map with, she helps me stay on the right track, and she holds me accountable to reach my money visions! 

BONUS STEP: WORK IT GIRL! If you don’t work your plan you won't get to your dream adventure! 

Action steps you can take today to be financially fabulous in 2022: 

1: Find your money map trailhead

2: Define your 2022 money vision

3: Plan your mini money adventures in 2022

4: Find a gal pal or financial coach to join you on your money adventure! It is more fun together. 

Want me to be your money mapping gal pal?

Get excited!!!

Join my 3 part Masterclass that begins December 1st!!!

Here’s a Glimpse of the Masterclass!

  1. 2021 review & look back & current financial position, finding your money map trailhead!

    • Prep work BEFORE masterclass, review subscriptions, review retirement accounts, get all your account information together. Balance on everything, cash accounts, retirement accounts, car debt, student loan debt, and everything else you own/own

    • During masterclass – talk about being aware… you don’t know what you don’t know… you have how many gym memberships? Have you reviewed them? What are you REALLY giving to your retirement, is that okay, is that the best? 

    • Post masterclass challenges: increase retirement by 1% or as much as you can. 

  2. Where do you want to go, what is your money mapping adventure dream? Let’s dream! Money mindset:

    • Activities. What are your 1 year goals, 5 year goals, 10 year goals, and when do you want to be financially independent 

  3. Plan your adventures along the way – plan your money map. 

    • Where is your money going? Pull 3 months credit card/bank statements and look where your money has gone. LET’S GET REAL! 

Without a plan you can’t get where you want to go!!! Where do YOU want to go! Tired of being frustrated with not getting anywhere, tired of feeling like you have no idea where your money is going. It is flying out your car window. Tired of feeling like your finances are in control of you and you aren’t in control of them, let’s take the wheel.

Consulting is behavior modification, what have you done, why didn’t it work, and what can we change going forward.

Join the 3 part masterclass that starts December 1st (stay tuned for signups)… BUT prep work starts now! So, sign up now and get a FREE 1 hour coaching call to get ready with me, your adventure gal pal!


My reading Bucket-list for 2021!